Leeds and Hull Art Gallery Trip
This week the university had a gallery art trip, we visited my home town of Leeds, we visited the newly refurbished Leeds Art Gallery and we also went to see The Henry Moore Institute but only briefly as we were running to a tight schedule and the Ferens Art Gallery in Hull. Their current exhibitions including the works of Joseph Beuys, Henry Moore and Lothar Goetz in Leeds and the 2017 Turner Prize winner and others shortlisted in Hull. Leeds Art Gallery recently underwent renovations and changes to the decisions of how to exhibit some of the work. As a result the walls of the staircase are now transformed in to a site-specific work by Lothar Goetz titled 'Xanadu". The artwork by Lothar was particularly interesting to me as he is one of my tutors, the vivid colours he has used are rather striking, it invited you to go upstairs and wander around. I also like the bold geometric shapes, the lines are strong and it was aesthetically pleasing to look at.

At Ferens Art Gallery, I saw the works of the announced winner Lubaina Himid who focuses her works around contemporary political issues and identity. Himid works with domestic everyday materials such as newspaper cut outs and porcelain tableware. Some of her paintings are made as wooden cut outs, creating a feeling of a stage set installation. The installation was interesting, i couldn't quite grasp what it was trying to say but once i had read the description on the wall next to the artwork it started to make more sense, i enjoyed that it was 3d and had structures/sculptures.