Clare Twomey

Forever 2011
1345 Ceramic cups
The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas, USA
October 9, 2010—January 2, 2011
Clare Twomey is a British artist who works with clay in large-scale installations, sculpture and site-specific works. Within these works Twomey has maintained her concerns with materials, craft practice and historic and social context.
When researching and learning more about Twomey, I came across the installation piece, Forever, I took a large interest in this particular piece. The reasons why are that she has displayed her pristine white ceramic cups/vessels in perfect alignment and orientation in a grid formation, this is something I found really appealing to look at, everything is equal spaced and perfect. I have also worked in a grid formation in my own artist practice. I also love how each cup is identical, she made 1345 objects the exact same way, her method of working is something I like to replicate in my own artist practice, we share a similar methodology and ideology to working.